Adria Hobgood, RN

Birth Center Nurse

Adria Hobgood has a compassionate nature of servitude and has a great passion for serving women during the birthing process . A mother of 8, she is a strong advocate for the family unit and the parent’s voice being fully supported and respected throughout their birthing experience. Out of her 8 children, she has had 4 natural births, 2 of which were home water births, and therefore feels a great sense of empathy and an intimate connection to the mothers in her care. When she had her first home birth with the assistance of her amazing midwife in 2018, she immediately recognized the difference between the traditional stoic hospital birthing experience and the personal supportive touch of midwifery. From that moment she knew that she was destined for a career in midwifery in the community setting. Coming from a strong Christian background, she knew that caring for women in this sincere and compassionate way would be a life’s work she could be proud of. With all that being said, Adria was thrilled to transition from being a postpartum nurse in the traditional medical setting to working side by side with the amazing midwives of Atlanta Birth Center as a birth center nurse. She is daily inspired and humbled by the wonderful opportunity to be a part of what ABC stands for and to be mentored by her coworkers as she pursues her own career in midwifery. In her personal time, Adria cherishes praying, reading the Bible, and intimate time with her family.  She is currently in the process of building a small homesteading family farm with her husband  in Whitesburg, Georgia where she resides and enjoys sitting by her pond  feeding her goldfish with her children. 


Chelsea Ho, RN


Jackie Kuschner, APRN, CNM, MSN, CPM (Retired)